Welcome to Our Church

Hello and thank you for visiting our website.  We are glad you’re thinking about attending worship with us – whether it be in person or remotely!   Here is a little bit more information about what to expect in your worship experience with the Painesville United Methodist Church (PUMC)
Maria Strickland – Outreach Manager

Worshiping In Person

Are you joining us in person?  Here is some information about what to expect during your worship experience.

Where Should I Park?

Parking is available on the square and behind our building. There are also a few spaces alongside our building, with accessible spaces closest to our glass atrium entrance (big, flat, glass-enclosed entrance) on the east side.  The atrium entrance is closest to our elevator; take it to the 1st floor to access the sanctuary for worship or LL (Lower Level) to attend any potlucks/events we might be having downstairs!

Our Bulletins
  • Worship bulletins are available on tables just outside of each inner entrance to the sanctuary. We invite you to take one so you can follow along with the worship service. 
  • When there is an asterisk next to something in the bulletin or on the slides, that means we are invited to stand, if able, for the duration of that item.
  • Bolded passages are usually responsive texts, often lead by a liturgist or the pastor as a call and response.

Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of the month and is open to everyone. You do not have to be a member here to take communion.   In the United Methodist Church, we serve grape juice rather than wine; this allows all to participate.  We also offer gluten-free bread that the pastor will indicate when you are invited forward for communion.

Children Ministries

Children are a gift from God and are welcome in worship as you feel comfortable! Typically, Pastor Jim or Margie, our Director of Children’s Ministries, will offer a special Children’s Message part way through the service.  During the school year, children in Kindergarten – 4th grades will be dismissed with Margie to attend Sunday School or “Children’s Church”, which will be held in Sunday School classrooms in the Education Wing.   Younger children can go with Ms. Helen, our Nursery Attendant, at that time – or for the entire length of the service if preferred—be sure to bring along their snacks or diaper bag that they may need while they’re there.  If you are new here, ask a greeter or usher to introduce you to Margie (or direct you to the nursery) before the service begins so you can connect and share any pertinent information about your child – especially any allergies or concerns.  Restless children who stay with you in worship may appreciate borrowing a children’s book or coloring a children’s packet during the service; both are available!   Ask a greeter or usher for children’s materials before worship begins, or check out the children’s book shelf, which is located next to the rocking chair in the back of the Sanctuary.  Click here for a welcome message from Margie Walker, our Director of Children’s Ministries.

Sensory Room

Does your child sometimes need quiet space or a space away from others?  We’ve created a Sensory Room in case your child suddenly needs to leave worship, but so that you don’t have to pack up and leave the building entirely.  This space can also be used for breastfeeding mothers.  The Sensory Room is located on our second floor off of our elevator, just above the Circle Room.  A wall-mounted TV in the room will allow you to link into our 10am live YouTube broadcast during our 10am service also, if you choose.  Some fidget toys and bean bag chairs are available for use in this space as well.  (We do ask that you stay with any children brought to this room and do not leave them unattended as this is not a childproof space.)  We hope this space allows families peace of mind as they join us in worship with the possibility of needing to step out for a little while.  Welcome!

What should I wear?

We want you to be comfortable and enjoy your worship experience.  Most of our congregation wears business casual styles.  Khakis, jeans, suits, skirts, and dresses are all seen on Sunday mornings.  Suit jackets and sweaters are sometimes worn, but others choose not to.  You should be aware that our sanctuary is air-conditioned in the summer and kept warm via boiler heat in the winter, and the balcony level is always a little warmer than the main level.  This is a historic building with a lot of stairs throughout – we strongly recommend proper footwear that is supportive wherever you step!

Will you be taking up a collection or offering?

Yes, there is typically an offering after the message on non-communion Sundays, or before the message on communion Sundays.  Ushers will pass the offering plates/baskets down each row and you are invited to give as you feel led.  Offering envelopes are available in the pew pockets in front of you so you can keep your giving between you and God! If you’re feeling resourceful, you can also bring your own envelope or reuse a spare envelope from an old bill – we just ask that you put your name and contact information on it so we know how you’d like us to allocate your funds and also so we can credit you appropriately when tax season is upon us! If you prefer to be paperless and would like to donate, just click a couple of tabs to the left for our e-giving page and follow the prompts to give as you wish. 


We also invite you to include your completed connection card from your bulletin in the offering plate so we can get to know you better!  (The connection card is for both visitors and regular attendees to check in, share information updates, and communicate any prayer requests.  If preferred, you can also complete this right here on our website at https://www.pumconline.org/connection-card/.)

Do I have to greet everyone?

Or, do I have to touch people?  We do schedule time for “Passing the Peace” during our worship.  Typically, folks stand as able and turn to the people closest to them and shake hands or wave and say “hello” or “good morning”.  You don’t have to divulge a ton of information – you can respond also with “hello” or “good morning”, or “peace be with you”, before turning to someone else or sitting back down.  You can stay seated too and just wave or nod.  You can even give us the Spock sign!  We’re glad you’ve chosen to visit and appreciate your return smile.

You’re invited to coffee and fellowship time after worship!

Yes, YOU!  It’s free.  Come into our “Circle Room”, which is just beyond the Sanctuary in another really cool, historic part of our building.  We serve coffee, hot water for tea, and something tasty to nibble on as you gather in fellowship and get to know others.  There is a container out for donations for those who wish to contribute but we’re more than happy to give everyone a cup of coffee after church – we’re so glad you chose to come!  Welcome! 

What else do you want me to know?

You know, we have a lot going on in the world around us.  Politics happen in the world around us.  Rumors and speculation happen in the world around us.  Sexuality happens in the world around us.  Race and heritage happen in the world around us.    Life and death happen in the world around us.   Rich and poor happen in the world around us.  All of these things happen in the world around us – and then we get to come in this building and not worry about any of those things, but focus on the Word of God.  Focus on the worship of God.  Focus on the love of our Heavenly Father.  We believe that God loves ALL of us and we want everyone to feel welcome here at PUMC – and that YOU belong in this faith community – a community where faith is at the center of the community.  This is not a hate community.  This is a community of fallible humans who know that they are saved by the love of Jesus Christ—that’s what it’s all about!  Let’s keep our focus there – in outreach, in mission, in service, in fellowship, and in worship of our Lord God Almighty — with one another!

Worshiping Remotely

Are you joining us online?  Here is some information about what to expect during your online worship experience.

Where Should I Park?

Park yourself where you can be comfortable for about an hour, but also set apart in a space where you can be prayerful and participatory with limited distractions.

Our Bulletins
  • Bulletins are available for Sunday’s 10am service right here on our website homepage! These stay online for about a week so if you’re working on a Sunday or just need to worship with us later on, they should still be accessible.  There is a current bulletin and previous bulletin tab to help you find the most recent bulletin or the one that is current.  Looking for an older bulletin?  Contact the church office and we can email a pdf to you!
  • When there is an asterisk next to something, that means we are invited to stand, if able, for the duration of that item. For those of viewing remotely, we invite you to adopt a posture of prayerful worship or of attention, however that makes sense to you in your circumstances as you worship online.
  • Bolded passages are usually responsive texts, often lead by a liturgist or the pastor as a call and response. We invite you to join with those as your remote situation allows!

Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of the month and is open to everyone. You do not have to be a member here to take communion or participate in the rituals we have.  And, you do not have to be here in person for your communion items to be blessed.  Jesus broke bread and served table wine – these were common household staples at that time.  The United Methodist Church serves bread and grape juice so as not to be a source of temptation.  When you are joining us remotely and communion is scheduled, we invite you to prepare common, simple household items and allow them to be blessed during your worship time with us today and thereby partake of the wonderful and humbling gift of the blood and body of our Savior, Jesus Christ, which was given freely – to ALL!  Your communion might look like bottled water and a cracker if you don’t have juice and bread – and that’s great!  Receive the gift of salvation from our Lord and Savior!

Children Ministries

Children are a gift from God and are welcome in worship as you feel comfortable! Typically, Pastor Jim or Margie, our Director of Children’s Ministries, will offer a special Children’s Message part way through the service, and we invite you to have your children with you when you’re watching us remotely, too!   We also offer a children’s coloring packet for restless children; if this is something you’d like us to mail to you (in the US), please contact the church office and ask for the coloring packet to be mailed to you!

Do I need to participate in the offering even though I am not in the building?

Giving is part of the Christian faith and helps a church operate – our offering helps make the many ministries we offer here at PUMC possible – including our online presence.   You can process and designate your gifts online right here on our website – just click on the e-giving tab (https://www.pumconline.org/donations/) to get started!  During the offertory time, we also invite you to submit the online connection card and let us know you’re worshiping with us– and share any prayer requests with us that you may have!

Passing the Peace

How do I do that online? We don’t want you to miss out, so feel free to join us in the chat and say hello!  Our soundbooth team or chat host will be delighted to greet you too as they stay seated and keep us “on the air” during this time of greetings.

We know that many of our visitors hear us on the radio or try us online first. Please feel free to come visit us in person too!   And please feel free to connect with us on facebook, share your prayer requests during our online worship service, and join our email list to learn about events our congregation is having.  We’re excited to welcome you into the life of the Painesville United Methodist Church!